


The Secretary


PO Box 254 BATHURST NSW 2795

The Club:

The Bathurst Historic Car Club is a long-established club for enthusiasts of historic motor vehicles. Please see information regarding LOG BOOKS on this page.

The objectives of the club include:

  • fostering friendship amongst people who have a common interest in historic vehicles

  • promoting the restoration, maintenance and use of historic vehicles

  • managing the registration of members historic vehicles on concessional club plates

  • organising approved events for historic vehicles

  • facilitating the participation of members in community events and events organised by similar clubs.

The Constitution, Club Rules and Code of Conduct:

The current constitution is available on the CONSTITUTION page while copies of the Club Rules and Code of Conduct are available on the CODE OF CONDUCT page.

Club Meetings:

Club meetings are usually held at 7.30pm on the second Tuesday of each month in the Girl Guides Hall at the corner of William and Charlotte Streets. The next meeting will be on Tuesday 11th March. Anyone who is interested in historic vehicles is welcome to attend, to learn more about the club, whether they own a historic vehicle or not.

Log Books:

Log Books for historic vehicles have been trialed for several years and have now been approved for permanent use.